
Showing posts from October, 2018

#Join the #conversation for the 2nd World Congress on #Pharmacology and #Chemistry of #NaturalCompounds (Natural Compounds 2019)

Meet inspiring speakers and experts in #Pharmacology from 13- 14 Mar 2019 at #NaturalCompounds2019 event, #London, UK Please visit link for more details:

#View #Proceedings of #Previous conference (Natural Compounds 2018)

With a great support from our Collaborators and Organizing Committee,  PULSUS   Conferences successfully completed the “ World Congress on Pharmacology and Chemistry of Natural Compounds ( Natural Compounds 2018 ) ” which was held at  Paris, France  on  June 18-19, 2018 . With a great response and feedback which we received at this event  Pulsus  Conferences is proud to announce our upcoming conferences in the Series of Healthcare Conferences “ 2 nd  World Congress on  Pharmacology and Chemistry of Natural Compounds ”- London, UK March 13-14, 2019 Natural Compounds 2019  organizing committee anticipates over 300 participants to attend this premier event. Natural Compounds 2019  is an exciting opportunity to showcase the new technology, the new products of your company, and/or the service your industry may offer to a broad international audience. #View #Proceedings of #Previous conference here:  https://www.scit...